Being a parent is hard. Let me make sleep simple.
Tired? Overwhelmed? Wondering if you will ever sleep again? Don’t even know where to start? I got you. Let me take the guesswork out, so you can ALL be well-rested and enjoy this special time with your child.
Will I need to leave my baby alone to cry all night long?
No! I work with each family to find a technique that makes you feel comfortable so we can set you and your child up for SUCCESS!! There are many effective methods and I will help guide you to find what will work best for your situation.
Why hire a sleep consultant?
I have been where you are! Trying to do it all on your own can work, but it can be stressful, long, and EXHAUSTING. Let me take some of that off your plate and be by your side as you do this. I will be your family’s biggest cheerleader and help keep your eye on the prize- SLEEP for the whole family!